Hackvent 2024: Day 23
[HV24.23] Santa's Packet Analyser
Santa was invited to an Open Source conference in fall to talk about his newest development on “elfilter – a packet inspector to balance elf load”. Due to the sensitive nature of the talk, it was only open to a very select audience. Nonetheless, he came back with a nice scarf. The elfs suspect there might be a message behind the pattern.
Wrap the text of the flag into HV24{} before submitting it. Make sure that the rest of the text is all in lowercase.
Analyze the image and get the flag.
Flag format: HV24{}
sha256sum of the image: 3393c3a1e30ab0420312488d8075a24e4607fea4bc642f14bd6e8e12a6a5ec6f
Source to the BSD beastie for attribution: https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-src/tree/main/share/examples/BSD_daemon
This challenge was written by brp64. Maybe the b stands for BSD.
In this challenge, we are given an odd-looking image of something that looks like a barcode. We do not initially know what this is, but we try to find similar-looking images online. Reverse image searches do not yield any useful results. Eventually, after various online attempts, we search for stemline language
, which shows some results for the Ogham language. The Ogham language appears identical to the pattern in our image.
We find this image of an Ogham alphabet:
Using this, we manually decode our message and get:
We assume the Q
here is incorrect and should instead be a K
. Finally, as instructed in the challenge description, we substitute this into the flag format and lowercase the contents to get our daily flag.
Bonus Hidden
This challenge also contained the solution to: [HV24.HE] Grinch's Secret