Hackvent 2024: Day 5
[HV24.05] Last Password
Last Password, I gave you away and the very next day, all my accounts where astray. This year to save me from tears, I'll give it to no one.
Please use the download mirrors first to not put too much stress on the HL infrastructure.
Download mirror: https://1drv.ms/u/c/0ee8a2263bd035f8/EQlBzcb6TMVKq42ODwd482wBSFPlUQ9QRAUWF97AmItunA?e=F7aMWc
Download mirror: https://gofile.io/d/utChqZ
Analyze the file and get the flag.
Flag format: HV24{}
sha256sum of last-password.zip: 84d0d36db1c5f4dfc63286d9f28ee9d852fdbbe8d99890d993b413372bcb6150
sha256sum of dump.raw: eedb621a62393714dfc04b6cdf8654c8b4cb3d20dc0b9ff144ff922beeb3268e
This challenge was written xtea418. Sipping tea while seeing others solve your challenge is a great feeling.
In this challenge, we are given a large ZIP file which, when uncompressed, reveals a huge 2GB dump.raw
After some time, it becomes clear this file is a memory dump, as it contains a lot of random data and many valid file magic numbers within it. It also contains references to DumpIt.exe
, which is commonly used to create dumps on Windows.
We can use a memory dump analyser tool like Volatility v3 to explore the dump. Based on the challenge category, we know this is a Windows-based dump.
We run the windows.info
$ py -3 vol.py -f .\dump.raw windows.info
Variable Value
Kernel Base 0xf80479c14000
DTB 0x1aa000
Symbols file:///C:/Git/volatility3/volatility3/symbols/windows/ntkrnlmp.pdb/BFF14F607A9930D2FDA0481A29685111-1.json.xz
Is64Bit True
IsPAE False
layer_name 0 WindowsIntel32e
memory_layer 1 FileLayer
KdVersionBlock 0xf8047a823418
Major/Minor 15.19041
MachineType 34404
KeNumberProcessors 23
SystemTime 2024-11-24 15:04:30+00:00
NtSystemRoot C:\Windows
NtProductType NtProductWinNt
NtMajorVersion 10
NtMinorVersion 0
PE MajorOperatingSystemVersion 10
PE MinorOperatingSystemVersion 0
PE Machine 34404
PE TimeDateStamp Mon Jun 10 14:11:02 2069
This validates that we have a valid Windows dump.
Next, we want to use various plugins to look around. This Memory Dumps (Volatility) page provides useful suggestions for CTFs.
We run the windows.cmdline.CmdLine
plugin to see what processes were called with what arguments:
$ py -3 vol.py -f .\dump.raw windows.cmdline.CmdLine
7956 chrome.exe "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
8048 firefox.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
8064 soffice.exe "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe" -o "C:\Users\xtea418\Documents\nice-naugthy-list.ods"
8124 soffice.bin "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe" "-o" "C:\Users\xtea418\Documents\nice-naugthy-list.ods"
7900 notepad.exe "C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe"
2680 WinRAR.exe "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" x -iext -ver -imon1 -- "C:\Users\xtea418\Documents\Personal\secret.7z" C:\Users\xtea418\Documents\Personal\
11076 DumpIt.exe "C:\Users\xtea418\Downloads\DumpIt.exe"
We find some interesting leads. The browsers are running the Rickroll video, a standard feature of Hackvent CTF challenges.
is running a nice-naugthy-list.ods
. We actually recover this file as a context.xml
using a binwalk
The list of names is here:
Nice List:
alice johnson
bob winchester
peter john
barbara meier
john doe
Naughty List:
elon tusk
dill gates
marc sugerberg
However, this does not seem to be relevant.
The notepad.exe
could be interesting if it contains any useful information such as the flag in an open editor. However, it does not contain the flag for this challenge.
Lastly, we notice that WinRAR.exe
is accessing and extracting a secret.7z
file! We want to see if we can recover this file. The quickest way to do this is to simply dump all files belonging to the process id of WinRAR.exe
which is 2680
We run the windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles
$ py -3 vol.py -f .\dump.raw windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles --pid 2680
This dumps several files to our current directory, including:
Both of these files are nearly identical. The vacb
simply has a bunch of extra NUL
bytes at the end of it padding its size to 256KB
. We will use the .dat
version and so we rename it to secret.7z
Running file
on this file reveals that it is a valid 7 zip archive:
$ file *secret*
file.0xc0833cb65e00.0xc08338120a20.SharedCacheMap.secret.7z.vacb: 7-zip archive data, version 0.4
file.0xc0833cb65e00.0xc0833c619ed0.DataSectionObject.secret.7z.dat: 7-zip archive data, version 0.4
At this point, we want to brute-force the password. We will use hashcat to do this.
Our initial brute-force attempts do not work, until we receive the hint that we need to use a public wordlist such as rockyou.txt
that is famously used in CTF challenges.
First we create a hash using 7z2hashcat64-2.0.exe
$ 7z2hashcat64-2.0 secret.7z
ATTENTION: the hashes might contain sensitive encrypted data. Be careful when sharing or posting these hashes
Then we begin our brute-force with hashcat in 11600
mode with the rockyou.txt
wordlist which is for 7 zip archives:
$ hashcat -m 11600 -a 0 -o out.txt hash.txt rockyou.txt
Thanks to good old GPU acceleration, the hash is cracked in seconds and we are told the password is santa1
We unzip the secret.7z
file to see this memerific image of Bernie Sanders:
Raw file:
Hackvent 2024 - Day 5 - ImageWe load this image into a hex editor and find a <?xpacket
snipplet which is an indicator of hidden XMP data. We use exiftool
to extract the XMP data to a binary file making sure we specify the -b
exiftool -xmp -b image.jpg > out.xmp
This reveals the following XMP data which contains our daily flag:
<?xpacket begin='' id='W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d'?>
<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x='adobe:ns:meta/' x:xmptk='Image::ExifTool 13.03'>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'>
<rdf:Description rdf:about=''
<rdf:li xml:lang='x-default'>HV24{t0t4lly_s3cur3_p4ssw0rd_l1k3_4ctu4lly_s0_v3ry_much_s3cur3}</rdf:li>
<?xpacket end='w'?>
Bonus Hidden
This challenge also contained the solution to: [HV24.HM] Mrs. Claus's Secret